Cost Calculator - WordPress Plugin
Can I redirect users to another page after submitting message? Since Cost Calculator Version 1.2.1, Cost Calculator Settings contain the field for URL that you want your users to be redirected to. In order to redirect users to another page after submitting the form, add the URL to ‘ ...
I can’t upload plugin. It’s saying it is invalid. What went wrong? Please unpack plugin folder and upload to your wp-content/plugins using FTP. The archive contains not only plugin but also the other files. If you want to upload in admin panel, you need to unpack plugin folder (bt_cost_ ...
How to update a plugin? There are two ways to update Cost Calculator plugin - through wp-admin or through FTP. Since plugin version 2.2.4 it is possible to update plugin through your dashboard, in Updates panel. In order to be able to do this, you ...
How to translate plugin? Translation using PoEdit The procedure is standard – you can find the .pot file in the plugin’s languages folder. Please use PoEdit - https://poedit.net/ to translate the .pot file and create respective .po and .mo ...
How to set the initial value for Select item? From Cost Calculator Version 1.2.1, initial value can be set in Cost Calculator Item Settings. In order to set initial value for Select item, you need to add the index of the item you want to display as initial, in 'Initial ...
I want to add custom CSS statements to style my calculator. Where should I add them? Custom CSS code should be added to your theme's Custom / Additional CSS field. If you use WP Bakery Page Builder (former Visual Composer) you should click on Page Settings button in the upper right corner of WP Bakery P ...
How to remove the 'Next' button? From Cost Calculator Version 1.2.1, 'Next' button can be removed in Cost Calculator settings. In order to hide ‘Next’ button, deselect the ‘Enable Contact Form’ field.
How do I get 1.000 format for the total value? In order to change format of total value, you'll need to modify plugin’s code. Please locate line 544 in cc.main.js in plugin’s folder. It should have the following code: total = total.toFixed( decimals ); Replace ...
How to prevent selection of weekends in date picker? We can provide no weekend function into the date picker option. Please follow next steps: 1. Use next Custom CSS and add them to Customizer > Additional CSS field: .ui-datepicker-week-end { display: none !important ...
Will I loose content when updating the plugin? With new plugin update you will not loose any content, but it will affect and overwrite any changes in the bt_cost_calculator.php code that you've made. The best way is to manually repeat modifications with new update.
How to set initial value for Switch item to True? From Cost Calculator Version 1.2.1, initial value can be set in Cost Calculator Item Settings. In order to set initial value for Switch item, you need to add 'On' value to 'Initial value' field. For example, if 'On' value i ...
How to change the e-mail address from Wordpress? In order to change the sender name, if the visitor and admin are receiving an e-mail from "Wordpress", we suggest you to avoid code customization and to install a third party plugin which will allow this. For example this o ...
Where is my Purchase Code? If you are having some troubles finding your Purchase Code, please have a look at the following article: Envato Market Help - Where Is My Purchase Code?
How to add additional fields to contact form part of Cost Calculator? If you like to add additional fields to contact form part of Cost Calculator, please do the following: 1. Open bt_cost_calculator.php file in the code editor. 2. Locate the following piece of code: $output .= ''; a ...
How do I remove the bar with Total and leave contact form? Since plugin version 2.2.1 it is possible to remove total bar in Cost Calculator general settings panel.*Note that this does not remove total price from the email users will receive.
How to edit clients email? In order to change the clients email, then you should locate the bt_cost_calculator.php file and find function bt_cc_callback() in the code. The email formatting starts from the line: $message_to_admin = ...
How to set initial value for Text item? From Cost Calculator Version 1.2.1, initial value can be set in Cost Calculator Item Settings. In order to set initial value for Text item, you need to add the starting value you want to 'Initial value' field. Have a lo ...
How to set initial value for Slider item? From Cost Calculator Version 1.2.1, initial value can be set in Cost Calculator Item Settings. In order to set initial value for Slider item, you need to add the value between min and max values, in 'Initial value' field. F ...
Importing Demo The best way to start is to install demo content. If you want to install demo content please do the following: Go to ‘Tools > Import > WordPress’ and install WordPress Importer plugin if it is not already installed. ...
How to install Cost Calculator plugin? There are two methods of installing a plugin onto your WordPress site. You can use the WordPress Admin panel to upload and install the plugin, or you can use FTP software instead.WordPress Plugin Installation To install the ...
Contact form visible by default Since plugin version 2.1.9, it is possible to display contact form below total bar by selecting 'Contact Form Initially Visible (Remove Next Button)' field in Cost Calculator settings panel, Contact form tab.
How to leave a review? If you are satisfied with our support or you like our product, please consider supporting us by giving us a rating at the downloads section of your ThemeForest profile (just below the download button) - http://themefores ...
How to redirect users to another page after the "Next" button? Please find the following lines in cc.main.js file: c.find( '.btContactNext' ).click(function() { $( 'html, body' ).delay( 1000 ).animate({ scrollTop: ( $( this ).closest( '.b ...
How to ask for a refund? If you've decided that our theme / plugin doesn't work for you, we do offer a full refund. In order to ask for a refund, please submit a request for a refund on the following link: http://themeforest.net/refund_requests/ne ...
How to enter Purchase Code? Since Cost Calculator version 2.2.4, once you install and activate plugin (or just update plugin to that version if you had it previously), a new option, Product License, will appear in Cost Calculator panel. Once you ente ...
How can I change total format’s display? Since version 2.1.6. total format can be changed in Cost Calculator Settings panel.