Amwerk - Industry WordPress Theme


1. I have purchased your theme. Now what?

2. Missing style sheet error when installing the theme

3. Installing Demo Data

4. "404 Page not found" error on inner pages

5. How to update installed theme? Will it change data?

6. How to change logo?

7. Frontend Editor

8. Missing Google API key - Google Map

9. How to change the settings only on one page?

10. How to change the Excerpt text and Header background image?

11. How to translate theme?

12. How to create One page?

13. How to create mega menu?

14. How to edit widgets?

15. How to change H tag in page headline?

16. How to change the Excerpt text?

17. How to change the header and edit other Single Shop Product page settings?

18. How to change the header and edit other Single pages of Portfolio items settings?

19. How to change the header and edit other Single Post settings?

20. Header title is displaying site name

21. How to add custom icons?

22. Cost Calculator & Bold Timeline - purchase code

23. How to ask for a refund?

24. How to leave a review?

25. Where is my Purchase Code?

26. How to add custom Font to your theme

27. How to edit Footer area?

28. I want to use a child theme. How can I do that?

29. RTL Support

30. Sticky Header scroll

31. AI Feature

32. How to edit 404 page?

1. I have purchased your theme. Now what?

The best starting point is to go through the provided documentation. 

It will guide your through the common tasks of theme installation and import of demo content.  

You have 2 options for downloading your theme:

Documentation pdf is in the All files and documentation package. Please download it and the document should be in the root of the downloaded archive.

For more info and detailed instructions please refer to our Online Theme Documentation.

2. Missing style sheet error when installing the theme

A common issue that can occur with users new to installing WordPress themes is a "Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error message being displayed when trying to upload or activate the theme. This error message does not mean that the theme you have purchased is broken, it simply means it has been uploaded incorrectly.

You have 2 options for downloading your theme:

Please use Installable WordPress file only archive in the process of Theme installation:

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin area.
  2. Browse to Appearance > Themes.
  3. Click on ‘Add New’.
  4. Click ‘Upload Theme’.
  5. Browse and select the theme zip file to upload, then click 'Install Now' button.

Check our video tutorial how to install theme and import demo content.

Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel!

For more info and detailed instructions please refer to our Online Theme Documentation.

3. Installing Demo Data

Before importing our demo content, please make sure that you have installed and activated all our required plugins (and WooCommerce if you intend to use it).

The best practice is to start with fresh WordPress installation without previous content. If you have already added a new content, please make sure to do the backup in order to save that content. After the backup, delete all content and you can start with the next steps:  

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Login to the wp-admin panel
  2. Go to Tools > BT Import

3.  The first step of import process is to, once again, check your server settings. On this screen you will see if you have enough memory and script timeout, and if your PHP version is up to date.

Additionally, you will get a notification if you have previously installed our demo content.

Once you adjust all the settings, click ‘Start the import process’ button.

4.  On the next panel you will see available demos. The number of homepages for each demo is noted, and you can click on the button ‘Visit demo’, and see how each demo looks like.

Click on the demo you want to install, and then click on ‘Continue and import this demo’ button at the bottom of the screen.

5.  The following step is to select images’ download method.

Here is how each option works:

  1. First option, ‘Download images to your server and create all thumbnails‘, is the best option and the one we recommend.

However, for this option all server requirements need to be met. Additionally, make sure that curl library is available and enabled.

     2. Second option, ‘Download images to your server but do not create thumbnails‘, will still download images  to your server, but will not create necessary thumbnails (to speed up the import process).

If you are going to use this method, install and activate ‘Regenerate Thumbnails’ plugin, and once the demo import is finished, regenerate thumbnails for all images.

     3. Last option, ‘Use images hosted on our servers‘, will import demo the fastest, but the images will remain      on our server.

What this means is that you need to keep BT WordPress Importer plugin active until you replace our images with yours. If you deactivate the plugin, the images will not be visible.

Once you finish with demo import and setting the homepage, you will be able to download the images from our server (refer to the additional step below).

Once you select images’ import method, click on the ‘Start the import’ button.

Depending on your server environment, and previously selected import method, the demo import process might take some time. Please be patient and don’t exit the import panel, otherwise you will stop the import.

When the import is finished, you will see the following screen. Click on ‘Select homepage’ button.

6.   The last step is to select the homepage. Please note that some demos have multiple homepages, and some only one.

If demo has multiple homepages, you can click on ‘Visit homepage’ button and see how each individual page looks like. Once you select desired homepage, click on it, and then on ‘Set this homepage’ button.

Once the homepage is selected, its settings (accent colors, fonts, footer, etc.) will be set in Customize panel and applied to inner pages.

Additional step:

If you selected ‘Use images hosted on our servers‘ option, you will now see ‘Download external files‘ tab on your screen.

When you click on it, you will see how many images are left on our server, and you’ll be able to download them to your server.

Note that you don’t have to download all of them at once. You can start the process, download first few images, and then stop. When you go to download tab again, you can start the process again, and it will download only images that are left on our server.

If you installed WooCommerce plugin, go to WooCommerce >Settings panel and set its pages (Shop, Cart, etc.)

If you are getting 404 error on inner pages, go to Settings >Permalinks panel and click ‘Save changes’ button to flush the permalink structure.

That’s it, the demo is imported! :) 

Please note that screenshot examples are from our 'Avantage' theme, but the steps are the same for all of them.

4. "404 Page not found" error on inner pages

If after installing demo content inner pages are returning "404 Page not found" error, please try to recreate permalink structure by going to Settings > Permalinks, changing it to Post name, for example, saving the settings, then changing it back to the one you originally had, and saving it again.

5. How to update installed theme? Will it change data?

Once the new theme version is available, user who purchased the theme should get email note from the Envato (ThemeForest).

There are three ways to update the theme:

1) FTP Update

Download newest theme version from ThemeForest Download section. Since you already have the theme installed, you can download just 'Installable WordPress file only'.

In case you want to use this method, we suggest that you use Filezilla to access your server. Here is the article that explains how Filezilla works.

You need to extract theme file from the zipped folder you downloaded, and upload it to /wp-content/themes folder on your server. You will be prompted to overwrite the existing files. Select 'Yes', and the theme will update.

*The example is the zip file from Medicare theme but the process is the same for all themes.

2) Update theme via ZIP file upload

This method is available since WP version 5.5. Please follow these steps: 

3) Envato Market plugin

Enable automatic theme update with the Envato Market Plugin. Once you install and activate this plugin, every time a new theme version becomes available, you will be able to update it with just one click.

 You will need to go to the WordPress Updates page and navigate to the Themes section. The new version will be included in the section just like the themes from the WordPress repository.

* Whichever of these three methods you use for theme update, you will have to update theme plugin (and possibly some other required plugins) as well.

For plugin updates, you will get notification on your dashboard when new version is available.

Please note...

If you made any changes in the source code you'll need to reapply them to the new version of the theme or they will be lost.

To prevent this, you can use child theme.

All settings in Customize panel and your content will be preserved.

For more info and detailed instructions please refer to our Online Theme Documentation.

6. How to change logo?

The logo (and alternate logo) should be set in Appearance > Customize > General Settings panel. If, after setting your logo, it's still not visible on some pages, please do the following steps (note: example on Fast Food theme):

1. Navigate to the those pages' editor.

2. Locate Override Global Settings section at the bottom of the Page editor end remove Logo or Alternate logo:

For more info and detailed instructions please refer to our Online Theme Documentation.

7. Frontend Editor

Since Bold Builder version 4.0.0 it is possible to edit elements using frontend editor.

Starting with version 4.9.1 it is also possible to add and move elements through frontend editor.

You can find explanation on how frontend editor works in Bold Builder documentation on this link -

*Please note that this is documentation for Bold Builder plugin, and not for the specific theme you are using, so some options (screenshots) might differ, but the process of editing is the same either way.

8. Missing Google API key - Google Map

*Google has, starting July 16, 2018, made certain API and billing changes. In order to enable billing, you will need to provide credit card or billing account to Google Maps platform. Please note that we are in no way associated with Google Maps and their payment system and for any questions and issues regarding payments and billing you will need to contact them. Please refer to their FAQ and their documentation to learn more about these changes.

  1. First step is to get location’s longitude and latitude. This article explains how – Find or enter latitude & longitude.
  2. When the theme is updated, please Get your API key.
  3. Then locate the Google Map element in Bold Builder/Rapid Composer and enter your API key.

Bold Builder preview:

Rapid Composer preview:

For more info and detailed instructions please refer to our Online Theme Documentation.

9. How to change the settings only on one page?

Here is how the Setting generally works:

The settings in the Appearance > Customize panel are global, meaning that they influence every page on the site by default.

On the other hand, you have an option to override these settings on per page basis. If you take a look at the bottom of the page edit form, you will notice 'Override Global Setting' part in Settings Section - here you can override global settings for every page.

So, for example, if you need to change the logo then the value should be either absolute URL of the image or image ID from Media Library. The same is with Sidebar (left, right or no sidebar) or Boxed menu (true or false) etc.

When it comes to editing the Blog Posts, Portfolio projects or Products, than please refer to the articles:

10. How to change the Excerpt text and Header background image?

In order to edit / remove excerpt text, navigate to the Page editor, and in Screen Options (at the top of the dashboard) enable Excerpt field.

After that, scroll to the bottom of the page editor where you’ll find Excerpt text.

The Header background image represents featured image added to the page. In order to replace existing image with your own, click on the image, and when redirected, select image from Media Library.

In order to entirely remove the image, click on ‘Remove featured image’ button.

In order to remove entire Header from pages, make sure to check ‘Hide Default Headline’ field in Appearance >Customize >General Settings panel, or in Override Global Settings at the bottom of the page editor:

Should you want to edit header on Single Post, Single Product or Single Portfolio then first locate page which settings are inherited. For more info refer to the articles:

See in action this feature in the following video tutorial. And make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel!

For more info and detailed instructions please refer to our Online Theme Documentation.

11. How to translate theme?

In order to translate the theme, please follow the next steps:

Theme's .pot file is located in /wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/languages folder.

Please use PoEdit - to translate the .pot file and create respective .po and .mo files.

Please name .po and .mo files e.g. potname-nl_NL.po and (nl_NL is the language code for dutch and potname is the name of the .pot file you have started from - it corresponds to text domain of the theme). For other languages' codes, please refer to the following link: Internationalization.

In order to place .po and .mo files properly and not have them deleted when you update the theme, upload  them to \wp-content\languages\themes folder. If you don’t have languages folder in your wp-content directory, please proceed and create one. Then create themes folder, and paste the files in it.

Alternatively, you can upload the .po and .mo files to your theme's /wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/languages folder. In that case name them only using the language code (for example and nl_NL.po)

Also make sure to translate the theme's plugin .pot file, located in \wp-content\plugins\your-theme-name\languages folder. 

The steps are the same as for the theme, except the files should be named bt_plugin-nl_NL.po and (with appropriate language code).

For plugin’s .po and .mo files, you should place them in \wp-content\languages\plugins folder.

You can set the site language of your WordPress installation on Settings > General. WordPress will automatically use the right language files if they exist. 

12. How to create One page?

In order to create one page site, please follow the instructions below:

1. First, navigate to the Bold Builder edit panel and edit desired section. Add any ID (we recommend it to contain only letters, and not any additional signs) to the section in Custom Tab, Element ID field:

2. Then in Appearance > Menus add a new Custom Link and as a URL insert custom ID atribute with #.

For example: #about

For more info and detailed instructions please refer to our Online Theme Documentation.

13. How to create mega menu?

In order to create mega menu please navigate to Appearance >Menus and enable CSS Classes in Screen Options, on top of your dashboard.


Then add the btMenuWideDropdown class to the parent menu item (the first item you want in your mega menu).

In order for mega menu to display correctly top menu item needs to have sub menu items, and those sub menu items need to have their child items.


The example is from our Medicare theme, but the steps are the same for all themes.

*Note that frontend display may vary depending on the theme you are using.

14. How to edit widgets?

In Appearance > Widgets panel you can see the list of available widgets and widget areas.

Here’s how they work - each theme has default widget areas, such as Footer widgets, Header Left widget, Header Right widgets, etc.

Some themes have custom widget areas made for each homepage in order to have different widgets on them.

 The purpose of custom widget areas is to override the default widget areas on certain pages.

 Custom widget areas are added in Appearance > Sidebars panel, by selecting which default area they will replace and on what page(s) they will display.

Once you select your homepage, go to Appearance > Widgets and check if that homepage has its own custom widget area.

If it does, you have two options – first is to move widgets from this custom widget area to a corresponding default area.

Other solution would be to simply assign that custom widget area to display on all pages by selecting them in Appearance > Sidebars panel.

*Example is from Renata theme, but the steps are the same for all of our themes.

15. How to change H tag in page headline?

Title in page headline is, by default, set to use h1 tag.

In order to change the tag, you will need to customize part of the theme's code, so some familiarity with PHP is necessary.

First, install and activate the child theme. Then, to child theme's functions.php file add the following code:

 * Header headline output
if ( ! function_exists( 'boldthemes_header_headline' ) ) {
    function boldthemes_header_headline( $arg = array() ) {
        $extra_class = 'btPageHeadline';
        $dash  = '';
        $use_dash = boldthemes_get_option( 'sidebar_use_dash' );
        if ( is_singular( 'post' ) ) {
            $use_dash = boldthemes_get_option( 'blog_use_dash' );
        } else if ( is_singular( 'product' ) ) {
            $use_dash = boldthemes_get_option( 'shop_use_dash' );
        }  else if ( is_singular( 'portfolio' ) ) {
            $use_dash = boldthemes_get_option( 'pf_use_dash' );
        if ( $use_dash ) $dash  = apply_filters( 'boldthemes_header_headline_dash', 'top' );
        if ( is_front_page() ) {
            $title = get_bloginfo( 'description' );
        } else if ( is_singular() ) {
            $title = get_the_title();
        } else {
            $title = wp_title( '', false );
        if ( BoldThemesFramework::$page_for_header_id != '' ) {
            $feat_image = wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id( BoldThemesFramework::$page_for_header_id ) );
            $excerpt = boldthemes_get_the_excerpt( BoldThemesFramework::$page_for_header_id );
            if ( ! $feat_image ) {
                if ( is_singular() && ! is_singular( 'product' ) ) {
                    $feat_image = wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id() );
                } else {
                    $feat_image = false;
        } else {
            if ( is_singular() ) {
                $feat_image = wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id() );
            } else {
                $feat_image = false;
            $excerpt = boldthemes_get_the_excerpt( get_the_ID() );
        $parallax = isset( $arg['parallax'] ) ? $arg['parallax'] : apply_filters( 'boldthemes_header_headline_parallax', '0.8' );
        $parallax_class = 'bt_bb_parallax';
        if ( wp_is_mobile() ) {
            $parallax = 0;
            $parallax_class = '';
        $supertitle = '';
        $subtitle = $excerpt;
        $breadcrumbs = isset( $arg['breadcrumbs'] ) ? $arg['breadcrumbs'] : true;
        if ( $breadcrumbs ) {
            $heading_args = boldthemes_breadcrumbs( false, $title, $subtitle );
            $supertitle = $heading_args['supertitle'];
            $title = $heading_args['title'];
            $subtitle = $heading_args['subtitle'];
        if ( $title != '' || $supertitle != '' || $subtitle != '' ) {
            $extra_class .= $feat_image ? ' bt_bb_background_image ' . apply_filters( 'boldthemes_header_headline_gradient', 'bt_bb_background_overlay_dark_solid' ) . ' ' . $parallax_class . ' btDarkSkin ' : ' ';
            echo '<section class="bt_bb_section gutter bt_bb_vertical_align_top ' . esc_attr( $extra_class ) . '" style="background-image:url(' . esc_url_raw( $feat_image ) . ')" data-parallax="' . esc_attr( $parallax ) . '" data-parallax-offset="0">';
                echo '<div class="bt_bb_port port">';
                    echo '<div class="bt_bb_cell">';
                        echo '<div class="bt_bb_cell_inner">';
                            echo '<div class="bt_bb_row">';
                                echo '<div class="bt_bb_column">';
                                    echo '<div class="bt_bb_column_content">';
                                        echo boldthemes_get_heading_html( 
                                                'superheadline' => $supertitle,
                                                'headline' => $title,
                                                'subheadline' => $subtitle,
                                                'html_tag' => "h1",
                                                'size' => apply_filters( 'boldthemes_header_headline_size', 'large' ),
                                                'dash' => $dash,
                                                'el_style' => '',
                                                'el_class' => ''
                                        echo '</div><!-- /rowItemContent -->' ;
                                    echo '</div><!-- /rowItem -->';
                            echo '</div><!-- /boldRow -->';
                        echo '</div><!-- boldCellInner -->';    
                    echo '</div><!-- boldCell -->';            
                echo '</div><!-- port -->';
            echo '</section>';

Once you add the code, change the H tag defined in this part of the code:

'html_tag' => "h1",

16. How to change the Excerpt text?

All Blog Posts, and even Pages can have Excerpt text.

In order to change the ’Excerpt text’ please take a look at the bottom of edit post page. Since this field is not visible by default, just click Screen options button at top right corner of the form and check Excerpt checkbox. 


This will make excerpt field visible. You will be able to edit Excerpt text.

For more info and detailed instructions please refer to our Online Theme Documentation.

17. How to change the header and edit other Single Shop Product page settings?

All single product pages inherit the settings from their template page. In order to edit excerpt text and header background image, please locate this page on All Pages list, and proceed to follow instructions from our article.

In order for this page to work as a template page for single products, make sure to add its slug to Settings Page Slug field in Appearance >Customize >Shop panel.


For more info and detailed instructions please refer to our Online Theme Documentation.

18. How to change the header and edit other Single pages of Portfolio items settings?

All single portfolio items inherit the settings from their template page. In order to edit excerpt text and header background image, please locate this page on All Pages list, and proceed to follow instructions from our article.

In order for this page to work as a template page for single portfolio items, make sure to add its slug to Settings Page Slug field in Appearance >Customize >Portfolio panel.


For more info and detailed instructions please refer to our Online Theme Documentation.

19. How to change the header and edit other Single Post settings?

All single posts inherit the settings from their template page. In order to edit excerpt text and header background image, please locate this page on All Pages list, and proceed to follow instructions from our article.

In order for this page to work as a template page for single posts, make sure to add its slug to Settings Page Slug field in Appearance >Customize >Blog panel.


For more info and detailed instructions please refer to our Online Theme Documentation.

20. Header title is displaying site name

Once you add titles with Yoast SEO plugin, header will display that title and site name, instead of the page title.

In order to show only title, without site name, you could change page title template to display only the title. In Yoast > Titles & Metas > Pages Title template, you could add title template as:


Other option would be to switch to  All in One SEO Pack plugin, that does not affect header title.

21. How to add custom icons?

Please refer to the instruction below on how to add custom icons to your theme:

1. Create icon folder (e.g. MyIcon) with required fields:

Make sure that your icon folder contains .ttf and .woff files, as well as CSS file with icons' names and glyph codes. If it doesn't have these files, you could use IcoMoon to generate the files.

2. Create PHP file for your icons:

The PHP file should be named as the icons (for example, MyIcon). As an example of how the PHP file should look, you can use one of the existing fonts and copy their files' content, and replace it with your glyph codes.

Or, you can use the following example, and just replace the glyph codes (numbers: f100, f101, f102 etc.) with the ones from your icon set. 

$set = strtolower( basename(__FILE__, '.php') );
$$set = array(
     'icon-01 (myicon set)' => $set . '_f100',
     'icon-02 (myicon set)' => $set . '_f101',
     'icon-03 (myicon set)' => $set . '_f102',
     'icon-04 (myicon set)' => $set . '_f103',
     'icon-05 (myicon set)' => $set . '_f104'

The glyph codes are defined in style.css file (located in downloaded file from e.g. IcoMoon). Here is the example:

.icon-01:before {
  content: "\f100";
.icon-02:before {
  content: "\f101";
.icon-03:before {
  content: "\f102";
.icon-04:before {
  content: "\f103";
.icon-05:before {
  content: "\f104";

3. Upload icon folder:

Once you have the files, please go to \wp-content\themes\your-theme-name\fonts folder, on your server, and create a new folder, in the fonts folder, and name it as you named your icons (MyIcon).
The new fonts folder should contain .ttf and .woff files, and php file.

4. Edit theme files - Step 01:

In admin-style.php file, in \wp-content\themes\your-theme-name folder, remove the following line of code, which is located at the end:

', array() );

and replace it with the following code.

    src:url("' . get_parent_theme_file_uri( 'fonts/MyIcon/MyIcon.woff' ) . '") format("woff") , url("' . get_parent_theme_file_uri( 'fonts/MyIcon/MyIcon.ttf' ) . '") format("truetype");
*[data-ico-myicon]:before {
    font-family: MyIcon;
.bt_bb_icon_preview.bt_bb_icon_preview_myicon {
    font-family: MyIcon;
}', array() );

Replace every occurrence of 'MyIcon' / 'myicon' with the name of your icons (if you didn't name them MyIcon).

5. Edit theme files - Step 02:

In icons.php file in \wp-content\themes\your-theme-name folder, remove the following line of code, which is located at the end:

', array() );

and replace it with the following code.

@font-face {
        font-family: "MyIcon";
        src:url("' . get_parent_theme_file_uri( 'fonts/MyIcon/MyIcon.woff' ) . '") format("woff") , url("' . get_parent_theme_file_uri( 'fonts/MyIcon/MyIcon.ttf' ) . '") format("truetype");
*[data-ico-myicon]:before {
        font-family: MyIcon;
        content: attr(data-ico-myicon);
}', array() );

Replace every occurrence of 'MyIcon' / 'myicon' with the name of your icons (if you didn't name them MyIcon).

22. Cost Calculator & Bold Timeline - purchase code

Please note that our two premium plugins, Cost Calculator and Bold Timeline, come bundled with the theme and therefor don't have separate purchase codes.

Although newer versions of the two plugins have product license panel for entering purchase code, this will only work when they are purchased separately, not when they come bundled with the theme.

Note that you are not required to purchase them separately if you are using one of our themes, and you shouldn't enter theme's purchase code.

The only purpose of the product license is to allow people to update plugins through wp-admin panel, but since you got them together with the theme you will get the necessary updates with new theme versions.

You can find more information on bundled plugins on the following link.

23. How to ask for a refund?

If you've decided that our theme / plugin doesn't work for you, we do offer a full refund.

In order to ask for a refund, please submit a request for a refund on the following link:

Here's how the refund process works:

1. The refund request is sent to us via email, and we decide if we are going to approve it or not.

2. Once the refund is approved, it can take between 3 to 5 days for Envato to transfer money back to your account.

3. If the refund is not approved, you can always raise a dispute

You can find additional guidelines on the refund in the official Envato article.

24. How to leave a review?

If you are satisfied with our support or you like our product, please consider supporting us by giving us a rating at the downloads section of your ThemeForest profile (just below the download button) -

When leaving a review, we encourage you to:

You can find more information on reviews in official Envato article.

Thanks a lot in advance! :)

25. Where is my Purchase Code?

If you are having some troubles finding your Purchase Code, please have a look at the following article: Envato Market Help - Where Is My Purchase Code?

26. How to add custom Font to your theme

In order to add custom font to your theme, you need to upload your custom font to the custom-fonts folder on your web server.

Go to \wp-content\themes\your_theme_name\ on your web server and create folder custom-fonts if it does not already exist.

Then create the folder named after your font and upload font ttf and/or woff and/or woff2 files to the folder.

Example - your folder structure should be like this for Great Sejagad font :

|- your_theme_folder
       |- custom-fonts
              |- Great Sejagad
                        |- GreatSejagad.ttf
                        |- GreatSejagad.woff2

Once you do this, The font will be visible in all select boxes throughout wp-admin just as default Google Fonts and you will be able to select it just as any other

27. How to edit Footer area?

On Appearance > Customize > Header and Footer panel there is a Footer Page field, and there you can see which page was selected as template page for footer.

This option enables you to have static page and use it as a footer template for all pages.  All pages inherit settings, elements and shortcodes of the page referenced via this option.

In order to change elements in footer, please locate this page (on all pages list) and edit it.

*Note that the screenshot is from Nifty theme, but the process is the same on all themes.

28. I want to use a child theme. How can I do that?

If you want to use a child theme, please follow these steps:

  1. First of all, make sure that you haven’t changed the parent theme’s folder name. It needs to remain the same.
  2. You should be able to find the folder your_theme_name-child in the package you've downloaded from ThemeForest.
  3. Please copy this folder to /wp-content/themes folder on your server.
  4. Go to Appearance > Themes in your wp-admin console and activate child theme. Please have in mind that all required plugins need to be activated.

To replace a function, copy it from the parent theme to the functions.php file in your child theme and make your modifications.

For example, if you want to change default pagination HTML output, you need to copy entire function to the child theme:

 * Pagination output for post archive
if ( ! function_exists( 'boldthemes_pagination' ) ) {
    function boldthemes_pagination() {

And then replace the output according to your needs. For example

if ( ! function_exists( 'boldthemes_pagination' ) ) {
    function boldthemes_pagination() {
        echo '<div class="new-archive-pagination"></div>;

Please note that this is an example for one function, and it might differ for other functions and changes.

You can find additional info in this article from EnvatoTuts+.

29. RTL Support

In order to ensure that the theme you purchased / want to purchase is RTL supported, you can check on our themes' profiles on ThemeForest.

These themes have CSS defined for RTL layout, so when you change site's language in Settings >General on your dashboard (or via language switch if you have multilingual site), the RTL layout will automatically apply to certain elements.


Some elements in Bold Builder that have alignment option (such as Icons, Images, Columns, etc...) will need to be rearranged manually to fit the RTL layout.

Additionally, some of our themes, such as Medicare and Industrial, come with full, premade RTL demos.

30. Sticky Header scroll

With the latest theme version, sticky header scroll and offset can be defined in inline JS.

The code for sticky header is defined in header.misc.js file in /themes/your-theme-name/framework/js folder, but you can change the following values by adding them to Custom JS field in Appearance >Customize >General Settings panel.

First value is:

window.btStickyOffset = 300;

The number defines after how many pixels the sticky header appears (when scrolling down).

Second value is:

window.btStickyOpenTimeout = 50;

This value defines number of milliseconds it takes for sticky to show up (previous value 'stickyOffset' needs to be defined).

Note that we recommend this value to be over 50 to avoid cutting off sticky header.

Third value is:

window.btStickyCloseTimeout = 200;

This value defines number of milliseconds it takes for sticky to close and switch to standard header (when scrolling up).

Note that this value needs to be same or higher than the transition length defined with CSS.

Lastly, to define transition length, you can add the following CSS to Additional CSS field in Customize panel.

.btMenuHorizontal.btStickyHeaderActive.btStickyHeaderOpen .mainHeader {
    transition: transform 200ms ease;

This number defines the speed of transition when activating / deactivating sticky header.

31. AI Feature

Starting with Bold Builder version 4.7.0 it is possible to use OpenAI API to generate content for specific elements.

This feature is available on themes starting from Law Firm to newer ones.

The elements that can be edited using AI Generator are Headline, Service, and Text.

For more detailed explanation on how AI Generator works and how to use it on our themes, please refer to our online documentation -

*Please note that on some themes Headline and / or Service elements cannot be edited with AI Generator at the moment. This feature will be then added in future theme updates. 

32. How to edit 404 page?

The 404 error page can be customized by editing 404.php file in /wp-content/themes/your-theme/ folder.

There you can edit text, button (on some themes), or images.

In order to replace the background image on error page, please follow these steps:

1. First upload your image to /wp-content/themes/your-theme/gfx folder.

2. Edit the following part of the code:

<section class="bt-error-page gutter" style="background-image: url(<?php echo esc_url_raw( get_parent_theme_file_uri( 'gfx/plug.png' ) ) ;?>)"></section>

by changing the existing name of the image to that of your image.

Please note that the code might look a bit different than the example above, depending on which theme you are using.

Additionally, making larger changes to the structure of the page (code) falls under 'customization per request', so we can't assist with that type of edits.