
Installing Demo Content The best way to start is to install demo content. If you want to install demo content please do the following: First, delete all sample content (posts and pages) which is automatically created when WordPress is installed. ...

SVG Image format Our themes currently do not support SVG image format. We also don't recommend using any of the plugins for SVG, such as SVG Support, Safe SVG, and others.  These plugins have not been tested with the themes, are not fully ...

Is there some way I can see all the icons of the theme? We use two different sets of icons in the theme: Font Awesome and Stroke 7. Please refer to these links for preview of each icon set.

Issues with Grid layout If you have activated the theme with the existing content, you will have problems with grid layout.Once it's activated, our theme generates necessary thumbnails for every newly uploaded image. Since these were uploaded pr ...

Embed code I have placed using text element is being cut off. It does not have the proper height. How can I resolve this? It may happen that iframe created by your embed code gets cut off. Please do the following to resolve this:1. Define Custom Id for the section containing embed code (for example: section_1) 2. Add ...