ReConstruction - Construction and Building Business WordPress Theme
How to change the header and edit other Single pages of Portfolio items settings? All single portfolio items inherit the settings from their template page. In order to edit excerpt text and header background image, please locate this page on All Pages list, and proceed to follow instructions from our arti ...
How to add new Font icons? In order to add new Font icons, you should customize the theme. Please do the following steps: 1. First of all you need to import your font file. You will need to import .eot, .svg, .ttf, and .woff files of your font, and ...
How to leave a review? If you are satisfied with our support or you like our product, please consider supporting us by giving us a rating at the downloads section of your ThemeForest profile (just below the download button) - http://themefores ...
Missing style sheet error when installing the theme A common issue that can occur with users new to installing WordPress themes is a "Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error message being displayed when trying to upload or activate the theme. This error message does n ...
Embed code I have placed using text element is being cut off. It does not have the proper height. How can I resolve this? It may happen that iframe created by your embed code gets cut off. Please do the following to resolve this:1. Define Custom Id for the section containing embed code (for example: section_1) 2. Add ...
I have purchased your theme. Now what? The best starting point is to go through the provided documentation. It will guide your through the common tasks of theme installation and import of demo content. You have 2 options for downloading your theme: Ins ...
Where is my Purchase Code? If you are having some troubles finding your Purchase Code, please have a look at the following article: Envato Market Help - Where Is My Purchase Code?
Installing Demo Data Before importing our demo content, please make sure that you have installed and activated all our required plugins (and WooCommerce if you intend to use it). The best practice is to start with fresh WordPress installation wi ...
I want to use a child theme. How can I do that? If you want to use a child theme, please follow these steps: First of all, make sure that you haven’t changed the parent theme’s folder name. It needs to remain the same.You should be able to find the folder your_theme_n ...
How to hide hover image effect? In order to hide the hover effect on images, please add the Extra Class Name(s) "btSimpleHover" to the required element (Row, Grid gallery or Image etc.): and then add the following css statements ...
How to edit 404 page? The 404 error page can be customized by editing 404.php file in /wp-content/themes/your-theme/ folder.There you can edit text, button (on some themes), or images.In order to replace the background image on error page, please ...
How to add new icon? In order to add new icon, you will need to upload some other files in addition to .svg. Here is the process: 1. Go to IcoMoon. 2. Click IcoMoon App in upper right corner: 3. ...
Is there some way I can see all the icons of the theme? We use Font Awesome sets of icons in the theme. Please refer to the link for preview of icon set.
"404 Page not found" error on inner pages If after installing demo content inner pages are returning "404 Page not found" error, please try to recreate permalink structure by going to Settings > Permalinks, changing it to Post name, for example, saving the settin ...
Missing Google API key - Google Map *Google has, starting July 16, 2018, made certain API and billing changes. In order to enable billing, you will need to provide credit card or billing account to Google Maps platform. Please note that we are in no way associ ...
How to increase the size of the logo? In order to increase size of the logo you need to add the following CSS statements to Custom CSS field of Appearance > Customize > General panel: img.btMainLogo { height: 50px; } .menuHolder .menuPort { margi ...
How to ask for a refund? If you've decided that our theme / plugin doesn't work for you, we do offer a full refund. In order to ask for a refund, please submit a request for a refund on the following link: http://themeforest.net/refund_requests/ne ...
How to change the Excerpt text? All Blog Posts, and even Pages can have Excerpt text. In order to change the ’Excerpt text’ please take a look at the bottom of edit post page. Since this field is not visible by default, just click Screen options butto ...
How to translate theme? In order to translate the theme, please follow the next steps: Theme's .pot file is located in /wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/languages folder. Please use PoEdit - https://poedit.net/ to translate the .pot file and c ...
SVG Image format Our themes currently do not support SVG image format. We also don't recommend using any of the plugins for SVG, such as SVG Support, Safe SVG, and others. These plugins have not been tested with the themes, are not fully ...
How to make a page load with accordion items closed by default In order to make a page load with accordions collapse by default, please edit reconstruction/bt_elements.js file in your wp-content/plugins folder and locate the following statements: $( '.tabsVertical' ).each(function ...
How to update installed theme? Will it change data? Once the new theme version is available, user who purchased the theme should get email note from the Envato (ThemeForest). There are three ways to update the theme: 1) FTP Update Download newest theme version from The ...
Installing Demo Content The best way to start is to install demo content. If you want to install demo content please do the following: 1. Start with fresh WordPress installation and make sure that theme and required plugins are installed. ...