How to add new icon?
In order to add new icon, you will need to upload some other files in addition to .svg.
Here is the process:
1. Go to IcoMoon.
2. Click IcoMoon App in upper right corner:

3. Click on hamburger Menu in upper left corner and choose Manage Projects:

4. Click New Project. Rename the project if you want. Click Load:
5. Click Import Icons:

6. Choose your .svg file.
7. If asked do you want to use font's metrics click "Yes".
8. Click on hamburger Menu in upper right corner and click Select all.
9. Click Generate font in lower left corner:
10. Click Preferences and set fontawesome-webfont for Font Name:
11. Click Download in lower right corner:

12. Extract files from the downloaded archive's fonts folder:
13. Locate the font folder in theme's folder on your server and delete everything that has fontawesome in the name including woff2 and oet file.
14. At the end, upload newly created files from IcoMoon.