How to update a plugin?
There are two ways to update Cost Calculator plugin - through wp-admin or through FTP.
Since plugin version 2.2.4 it is possible to update plugin through your dashboard, in Updates panel. In order to be able to do this, you will need to register your purchase code.
You can register your purchase code in Cost Calculator >Product License panel, on your dashboard.

Other option to update Cost Calculator to the latest version is to download the plugin folder from the download section of your CodeCanyon profile and update through FTP. We suggest that you use Filezilla to access your server. Here is the article that explains how Filezilla works.
Extract bt_cost_calculator file from the folder you downloaded, and upload it to /wp-content/plugins/ folder of your WordPress installation. You will be prompted to overwrite the existing files. Select 'Yes', and the plugin will update.
If you have made some changes in the plugin's code, you will need to reapply the changes in the new version.
Cost Calculators that were made before update will be preserved.