
Installing OpenGraphiq plugin

There are two methods of installing a plugin onto your WordPress site. You can use the WordPress Admin panel to upload and install the plugin, or you can use FTP software instead.

WordPress Plugin Installation

To install the plugin directly from the WordPress admin panel, please first log-in to your wp-admin console.

  1. Navigate to Plugins > Add New,
  2. Click Upload Plugin,
  3. Click Choose File.
  4. If you want to upload the plugin in admin panel, you need to upload installable plugin .zip file, downloaded from your the Downloads section of your profile on CodeCanyon.
  5. Click Install Now and the installation will begin.
  6. Once the installation is complete, go to Plugins screen and look for the newly uploaded OpenGraphiq in the list.
  7. Click Activate to activate it.


FTP Installation

To install the plugin using FTP software, log in to the server where your WordPress website is hosted.
First extract opengraphiq folder from downloaded .zip file from CodeCanyon.

Now connect to your server via FTP and navigate to the wp-content/plugins folder in your WordPress directory online. Upload opengraphiq folder from any of the available plugin .zip packages downloaded from CodeCanyon to the plugins’ folder on your remote server.

Once the plugin is uploaded, you need to activate it. Go to ‘Plugins > Installed Plugins’, find OpenGraphiq and click ‘Activate’ button.