Jump to Article Category ... All Categories Addison - Interior Design and Decoration WordPress Theme (33) Aiko - AI consultancy WordPress Theme (28) AIKO: Instant Plugins AI Developer (7) Ajani - Business & Consulting WordPress Theme (32) Amwerk - Industry WordPress Theme (32) Applauz - WordPress Theme for Startup, App and Digital Business (32) Avala - Wedding WordPress Theme (31) Avantage - Consulting WordPress Theme (34) Bambino - WordPress Theme for Child Care (31) Bello - Directory & Listing WordPress Theme (30) Bercy – Café & Bar WordPress Theme (28) Bernstein - WordPress Theme for Lawyer & Attorney (31) Bold News - Magazine and News WordPress Theme (27) Bold Timeline - WordPress Timeline Plugin (10) Campo – Sport Club and Team WordPress Theme (28) Cargo - Transport and Logistics WordPress Theme (25) Celebration - Wedding and Class Reunion WordPress Theme (27) Celeste - Life and Health Coaching WordPress Theme (31) Cliniq - WordPress Theme for Medical Centers (32) Codi - IT Services WordPress Theme (28) Codiqa - Software and App WordPress Theme (31) Cost Calculator - WordPress Plugin (26) Craft Beer - Brewery or Pub WordPress Theme (33) Craft Portfolio - Architecture and Design Portfolio WordPress Theme (30) Denticare - Medical WordPress Theme (32) Eatsy - Food Delivery WordPress Theme (31) Estato - Single Property Sale and Rental WordPress Theme (29) Eventim - Event and Conference WordPress Theme (29) Fast Food - WordPress Fast Food Theme (27) Finance - Accounting, Law and Finance Business WordPress Theme (30) Fitness Club - Health and Fitness Wordpress Theme (28) Food Haus - Restaurant WordPress Theme (27) Gardena - WordPress Theme for Landscaping & Gardening (32) Goldenblatt - WordPress Theme for Lawyer & Attorney (32) Greenergy - WordPress Theme for Environment (31) Hero Posts - Post Grid Plugin for WordPress (4) Hero Products - Product Grid Plugin for WooCommerce (4) Hotel California - Hotel and Hostel WordPress Theme (29) Industrial - Manufacture, Industry and Factory Wordpress Theme (28) Ippsum - Business Consulting WordPress Theme (32) Kids Club - Sport, Classes and Camp WordPress Theme (28) Konstrakt - WordPress Theme for Construction (32) Kosa - Hair Salon & Hairdresser (33) Kylo - Portfolio WordPress Theme (29) Kørsel - Car services WordPress Theme (32) Law Firm - Lawyer and Attorney WordPress Theme (32) Lycka - WordPress Theme for Therapy & Counseling (32) Manufactura - Handmade Products WordPress Theme (33) Maven - Financial Consulting WordPress Theme (28) Medicare - Medical and Health WordPress Theme (33) MediGreen - Medical Marijuana WordPress Theme (33) Music Club - Band or Studio WordPress Theme (32) Nestin - Real Estate WordPress Theme (32) NewStar - Flexible Magazine WordPress Theme (31) Nifty - Business Consulting WordPress Theme (32) NovaLab - Medical Research WordPress Theme (33) Ohlala - Ice Cream and Juice Bar WordPress Theme (32) OpenGraphiq WordPress Plugin (6) Organic Food - Nutritionist, Health Coach, Delivery and Farm WordPress Theme (28) Oxigeno – Sport Club and Team WordPress Theme (33) Pastry Love – Bakery and Patisserie WordPress Theme (32) Pawsitive - Pet Hotel & Shop WordPress Theme (32) Primavera - Beauty Salon & Spa WordPress Theme (33) ProHauz – HVAC Services WordPress Theme (33) ReConstruction - Construction and Building Business WordPress Theme (23) Renata - WordPress Theme for SPA & Wellness (29) RenoWise - Renovation, Construction & Handyman (33) Sano - Medical WordPress Theme (28) Seiji - WordPress Theme for Lawyers & Business (28) Shoperific - Flexible Online Shop (31) Shopscape - Single Product and WooCommerce Shop WordPress Theme (28) Showcase - Multipurpose and Fullscreen Slides WordPress Theme (29) SquaDrone – Drone and UAV Business WordPress Theme (32) Stellarium – Horoscope and Astrology WordPress Theme (33) Tabula - Art & Language School WordPress Theme (33) Travelicious - Tour Operator WordPress Theme (30) Val – Blog WordPress Theme (32) Velas - Yacht Club & Boat Rental WordPress Theme (29) Vivo - Health and Medical WordPress Theme (29) Vox Populi - Political Party WordPress Theme (32) Wheelco - Transportation WordPress Theme (32) Zele - Fitness Gym & Sports WordPress Theme (32)

Cost Calculator & Bold Timeline - purchase code

Please note that our two premium plugins, Cost Calculator and Bold Timeline, come bundled with the theme and therefor don't have separate purchase codes.

Although newer versions of the two plugins have product license panel for entering purchase code, this will only work when they are purchased separately, not when they come bundled with the theme.

Note that you are not required to purchase them separately if you are using one of our themes, and you shouldn't enter theme's purchase code.

The only purpose of the product license is to allow people to update plugins through wp-admin panel, but since you got them together with the theme you will get the necessary updates with new theme versions.

You can find more information on bundled plugins on the following link.

Notice related to Bold Page Builder update to version 4.9.x


If you are experiencing issues with page layouts on your site after Bold Page Builder update to version 4.9.x make sure to update your theme and all packaged plugins to their latest versions.
Theme and plugin updates should resolve the layout issues.

You can use one of the following methods to update the theme: https://boldthemes.ticksy.com/article/7123/

If you choose to do it manually, using FTP, make sure to delete all old theme files as some of them are removed in the latest versions of the theme and they may create conflicts if left on the server.

Of course, remember to clear your server cache if any