
How to translate theme?

In order to translate the theme, please follow the next steps:

Theme's .pot file is located in /wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/languages folder.

Please use PoEdit - https://poedit.net/ to translate the .pot file and create respective .po and .mo files.

Please name .po and .mo files e.g. potname-nl_NL.po and potname-nl_NL.mo (nl_NL is the language code for dutch and potname is the name of the .pot file you have started from - it corresponds to text domain of the theme). For other languages' codes, please refer to the following link: Internationalization.

In order to place .po and .mo files properly and not have them deleted when you update the theme, upload  them to \wp-content\languages\themes folder. If you don’t have languages folder in your wp-content directory, please proceed and create one. Then create themes folder, and paste the files in it.

Alternatively, you can upload the .po and .mo files to your theme's /wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/languages folder. In that case name them only using the language code (for example nl_NL.mo and nl_NL.po)

Also make sure to translate the theme's plugin .pot file, located in \wp-content\plugins\your-theme-name\languages folder. 

The steps are the same as for the theme, except the files should be named bt_plugin-nl_NL.po and bt_plugin-nl_NL.mo (with appropriate language code).

For plugin’s .po and .mo files, you should place them in \wp-content\languages\plugins folder.

You can set the site language of your WordPress installation on Settings > General. WordPress will automatically use the right language files if they exist.